Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Talking shit about Youtube Celebrities (and the fans thereof more so.)

It's become fairly obvious to me that what people admire me doing is bashing other people because my vernacular and unfathomable disposition with human beings go well together, it might also have been that I was just bored enough to check my traffic figures.

Well regardless if that's true or not I'm here to talk shit about terrible people on youtube, or really the fans of them more so.

In fact while they are obnoxious beyond all manner of human irritation for me to listen to I can't help but applaud these no-talent clowns for making money out of doing essentially fuck all valuable with their life, though i think what really seals the deal is that they operate around the desires of stupid people.

That I'm okay with, punishing people for being retarded and gullible is something I can admire, but really you aren't punishing them your just punishing the ads or okay actually I have no idea how youtube monetization works but I assume that it's not from the watcher's wallets because if it did I think just about everyone would have an ad-blocker instead of the few exceptionally smart people, me being one of them.

That said they still have a legion of fans who will cater to their every whim but then you realise that the legion is afflicted by every mortal personality disorder and complex in the book.

To recap why I'm even broaching this topic I've recently been trolling Pewdiepie fans because his army is the biggest and his fans the most notorious for being objectively stupid in every department of human intelligence conceived.

It's come to a point where I can serve these numb skulls their own words for breakfast but frankly it's beginning to feel like they are doing most of the work for me by inserting themselves with the wheatley virus and mimmicking a mixture of Tom Preston and an aggressively zealous christian.

It's become very obvious to me that all of these people share an insecurity of being alone and not 'in' which is hilarious because thats a group of people intellectuals like myself avoid being any part of. Being 'in' means caving to popular demand and popular demand is outstandingly retarded these days... actually it always has been just people were a lot less gullible to human desire back in the 90's.

But it's popular demand on youtube that brings the money so if you want to spend your career in video editing getting rich of chumps then fine by me I guess.

Like I said it's not the people who do this sort of thing that are the real enemy, I blame the general populace for having terrible taste and wanting to be in. Yes thats right 89% of Humanity is responsible for this shit, you're also at fault for World of Warcraft still going, Activision and EA still making money and Nintendo still able to milk out replastered images of their previous games and get away with it.

Though I think I'll be taking a vow to Nintendo's side since while samey and uncreative their games are still fun and therefore have a reason to exist and in all fairness they have tried new IP's, but they ofcourse don't go anywhere and this again is your fault for caving to regularity.

Anyway back to bashing Pewdiefans and stuff, so as I was getting to before I got derailed I've recently been intellectually destroying people who serve Pewdiepie and they all have a glaring insecurity and it's not just a desire to be in.

To be in is part of it but essentially they want to feel loved because there parents don't love them or take part in their interests and they have no real friends cry-cry-cry.

I have no real friends either but I'm okay with it because I have plenty of cool friends on Skype who I've raised to actually be smart, at least smart enough to abandon yahoo or MSN and get skype, it's fairly obvious that Pewdiefans want to be bros and thus the terminology of the bro army is brought about.

It's too bad that their are also 13 million other bros in the family and that the bro king cares not at all for any of them.

See when you expose the logic of it being impossible for one man to share love and devotion to 13 million people it becomes not to difficult to get through to them that pewdiepie is just lining his pockets.

This is how I break people, I find out what their goals are and why they are doing what ever despicable act they are to achieve it and then I sweep therug out from under them and reveal to them it's all a big sham, sort of like Scientology except you only lost your dignity not your life savings as well.

When people come to fully beleive this realization they can't respect pewdiepie anymore because their initial reason for joining his addled army is entirely nulled by the fact that pewdiepie is just leeching money from their stupidity.

It's at this point they start doing what I have smugly been doing from the beginning, telling everyone that they're idiots and tools for watching pewdies videos.

Thankfully it seems that after all the effort to crush pewdiepie and other such celebrities their fanbases have started to die down. Some newer videos now not even getting 3 pages of comments.

This means humanity is slowly but surely growing out of its clinically retarded clique phase and it's good, we've all worked very hard for it, well the 11% of us who realized we were the smartest 11% on Earth.

It's hilarious when people retort with 13,000,000 subscribers being a good sign that I'm jealous

Yes, I suppose I should be jealous of having a legion of mentally challenged chopsticks who would obey every whim I so commanded about as well as a Croos eye hobbit with Alzheimer's disease will.

I should be but I already have a more managable fandom of people who will not only do as I wish, but do it competently. So far pewdiepiefans and that ilk of the 'in' crown tend to have the competence and reliability of a fat kid asked to watch over the store of chicken satays.

Where as my smaller troupe can not only coordinate their efforts efficiently but also actually get their jobs done. If you look hard enough you might find proof of said successful endevaours but I'm not going to link my successes here because the sites they were on no longer exist and also because I think I've rubbed salt in the wounds about that debacle with Whitefang quite enough.

So while Pewdiepie can gather legions of idiots he has no intention of putting faith in any of them because they are retarded and he knows this because he trained them.

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